Spotlight On: NAEC 2012
By all accounts, a star of the NAEC convention in Atlantic City was Pixel. The EC booth showcased Pixel equipment, precisely set up, lights on, and fully operational. Pixel’s three points of access (Machine Room, Car Operating Panel and Top of Car) were lined up in a row along with the Landa™ system so that the customers could go from one station to the next and learn about all of the features of Pixel.
The booth was busy between the Sales team engaging in conversation with our customers and the Engineering and R&D team members offering responses to technical questions. Each team member from EC contributed to the educational exhibit – explaining that we are not content to remain with the status quo and that we will continue to innovate and push forward to have the best product on the market. EC’s Pixel was one of the best and most innovative technologies exhibited at the show.
Francisco Ortiz, EC’s Vice President of ProductEngineering and Support gave an educational class at the conference on “Mechanical to Electronic Elevator Safety Compliance”, and featured the Landa™ Positioning System and the Pixel Control System to illustrate the electronic means of compliance. Many of those in attendance visited the booth following Francisco’s session. Some commented that Francisco did a great job and that they just had to check out this innovative product. Already busy with customers, the booth was packed as people wanted to see this product up close. Francisco’s presentation went a long way to show our expertise in control equipment.
Feedback received at the show was very positive. Customers, consultants and people in the industry in general expressed their trust in EC. Customers talked about our excellent support from A to Z (Sales to Technical Support) and how the people at EC are easy to deal with.
Pixel itself was the star. Visitors liked the color display, the ability to troubleshoot from any of the three points of access and the compact controller size. They also commented on the accuracy of the Landa™ Positioning System and the minimal amount of wires needed for installation.
The success of the show was due to the many contributions of all EC team members, not just those who were assigned to attend. Preparing the product (both hardware and software), putting together the display, packing the crates to keep the product safe, preparing the iPad videos for presentation, booth set up and tear down and countless other contributions made by members of our team made this event possible. The team camaraderie was electric at the show and the customers could feel it. The excitement continues following the show, and, yes, the Pixel orders are coming in!
One customer put it this way, “You guys really have a great thing going on here. I look forward to big things in the future.” Our thoughts exactly.
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